Saturday, July 20, 2013

Shervin Youssefian: A renewed appreciation for Crossroad

You know the feeling when you find money in an old pair of pants? Or a personal note or movie stub in the pages of an old book? Or when you walk down a street and see a note you had carved into the wet cement? It's that moment in the present when you find a little sample of the work you've done in the past, and a feeling of sweet appreciation bubbles up for the "you" in the past.

Yesterday, I had to stay home to wait for a console delivery and when it arrived, I had to unplug the Cable Box, DVD and Stereo system and figure out how to put it all back.

In the process, I popped in a random movie DVD to see if the TV connection was working and it just so happened to be a DVD of Crossroad. After the initial menu display, the film automatically started to play. My first reaction was perhaps that of a lot of actors and movie makers who dread to watch their old films, but as the movie played on, I gradually forgot about the cables and found myself drawn into the story with a fresh perspective. With time, it was easier to pretend as if I was watching the film for the first time.

The editing was crisp and the dialogue, despite a few lines here and there, was rather subtle and flowed rather nicely. And I found a renewed admiration for the cast including Philip Bulcock's understated rage or Kim Estes' grounded wisdom.

I suddenly felt so grateful and proud of the work we had all done. This was a piece that would stand the test of time and I could easily imagine audiences 10, 20, 50 years in the future still being touched by the film.

When the film came to an end, I received a nice surprise email. A reminder that everything happens for a reason. A distributor whom we had met at ICVM (International Christian Visual Media) convention sent us the following email:

... we met briefly at ICVM and you gave me a copy of Crossroad. I recently watched it and was extremely impressed. Honestly, I think it is one of the best Christian films I've ever seen. I was really surprised (in a good way) but the raw intensity of the film. It is honest and provocative and the cast was absolutely outstanding.  I see from the website that the film is available at several Christian bookstores. Are you working with distributor or just self distributing? We would be very interested to discuss licensing with you or (if you already have distribution arrangement) purchasing copies to sell in our catalog/website.  Look forward to talking with you about it. 

It's always encouraging to see your work, guided and protected by the Lord's spirit, finding a home in someone's heart. When you labor on a project and place all your faith in the Lord to bring it to fruition, it is moments and emails like this one that give you confirmation to continue creating with a purpose.

To get your COPY of Crossroad, please visit
Shervin Youssefian works as Director at Spot On Media, an Los Angeles Production Company.

Shervin Youssefian on the set of Crossroad with (Left to Right) Kim Estes, Matt Jones, Robert Brewer Danny Simonzad and Philip Bulcock.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Crossroad DVD out on March 12th, 2013!

We are proud to announce that after an amazing World Premiere and limited theatrical release, Spot On Media's first full-length feature film "Crossroad" will be released on DVD on March 12th, 2013! The Crossroad DVD will be available all throughout the US. The film has also been licensed in Australia, New Zealand and all of Africa. Our British fans, hold tight. We are in the process of licensing the film to the UK!

CROSSROAD Press Release

CROSSROAD weaves a story of ordinary, seemingly unrelated people who learn the intimate power of God in a hostage situation with lives hanging in the balance. With his feature movie debut, award-winning Director Shervin Youssefian takes audiences to the CROSSROAD, a gripping film that debuts on DVD March 12, 2013.
"Twelve strangers cross paths in a diner, and as a hostage situation ensues, little by little they learn how they're all connected," said Youssefian, who also wrote CROSSROAD. "Trusting God is the central theme of the movie."
Praise for CROSSROAD

  • "The faith-based ensemble drama CROSSROAD builds considerable power as it weaves its pensive tale of life, death and destiny . . . an often tense, involving, ultimately touching tale of redemption and forgiveness." Los Angeles Times
  • "Another great Christian film that EVERYONE should see!" Christian Film Database
  • "A surprisingly gritty thriller . . . CROSSROAD offers a message of hope and forgiveness."Pasadena Weekly

SYNOPSIS Fueled by revenge, Michael (Philip Bulcock) sets up a meeting at an out-of-the-way diner with the man who murdered his wife and child six years earlier. But his plans of killing him come to a sudden standstill when two gunmen burst in to rob the place. Michael takes matters into his own hands, shooting a robber and holding the entire diner hostage until the man he really wants to target arrives. In the midst of all these events, Michael finds an unlikely ally in Don (Kim Estes), a devout Christian who believes God is going to help him in his endeavor. While Michael battles with his faith, the hostages begin to find extraordinary connections between them.CROSSROAD is an emotional and inspiring story of redemption, forgiveness and the ultimate realization of God's grace at work in every life.
STORY BEHIND THE STORY CROSSROAD Executive Producers David Dginguerian and Amy Weber a husband-and-wife team with business and entertainment success between them are a crossroad story of their own. Desiring to have children, doctors said it was impossible. But God had other plans, blessing them with twins. In grateful response, Dginguerian, a successful entrepreneur, committed to making a feature length faith film. It took three years, but working with Youssefian, also an executive producer, the result is CROSSROAD. And the kicker? Weber plays a featured role in the movie.
From Spot On MediaCROSSROAD launches DVD sales March 12, 2013.
For interviews, contact:  Michael Conrad
PHONE: 214-616-0320

Crossroad wins BEST ENSEMBLE CAST in Monaco!

Crossroad, the feature film produced by Infomercial Production Company Spot On Media
just won the BEST ENSEMBLE CAST award at the Monaco Charity film Festival. From everyone at Spot On, we would like to congratulate all the amazing actors who dedicated their time and talents to make such a meaningful film!
Get a COPY of Crossroad at
Crossroad Movie
Best Ensemble Cast Laurel Film Festival

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Crossroad Movie wins TOP HONORS at Attic Film Festival

May 21, 2013 - The Attic Film Festival, or TAFF, is an independent Film Festival held each spring in Austin, TX. Their mission is to support and empower independent filmmakers around the world.

"Crossroad" — in which a father sets up a meeting with the murderer of his wife and child inside a diner with plans of killing him — won the top prize at the Attic Film Festival in 2013.

 "This movie doesn't let you off easy, it makes you think, it makes you work - and in a day and age where films require no intellectual investment from the audience, I was pleasantly surprised to see the film win Best Feature Film. It's great encouragement to continue making meaningful, deep films that push the limit." says Writer/Director, Shervin Youssefian.

 "Crossroad" has received praise for its intricate story-line and mature look at the subject of forgiveness despite all odds. The revenge theme flows through a canvas of sub-stories connecting 12 characters, each with an individual motive and resolution.

The Attic Film Fest honored "Crossroad" as its recipient of the 2013 Best Feature Film award. "Crossroad" also received the Best Actor award for Philip Bulcock's work as the tormented father who is torn between plans of revenge and forgiveness. "Bulcock, an English actor, had to work with some very heavy material and rather than wearing all those emotions on his sleeve, he opted to let all the anguish boil under the surface." says Youssefian. Indeed, the result is a performance you cannot take your eyes off.

 Youssefian received Best Screenplay award for a story which he penned within only 2 months.

When asked what else the team as in the works, the writer/director remains very hush-hush, but says this much. "Much like Crossroad, we hope that it keeps you guessing what will happen next and ultimately allow you to walk out of the theater inspired and changed for the better."

 CROSSROAD's Official Website:

 Crossroad was produced by LA Based production company Spot On Media.

For more information about the Production company, visit

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